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TIAMAT - Mother of Dragons

DragonHill Incense blend



Our incense is not for the faint of heart...


One Flame's Tiamat invokes the Divine Feminine energy of the Red Dragon Mother presence, creating a clear connection with her ancient wisdom and insight.


This scent is specifically designed to be strong and intense, perfect for those looking for an extra level of protection and focus during their meditation or spiritual practices.


This scent is not just a fragrance, it is a tool, meant to help you access your inner strength and wisdom, guiding you through challenging life situations. 

When invoking Tiamat, be aware, she does not tolerate shallow excuses or avoiding responsibility. Do not diminish the received insights or she will respond with silence.

As with all connections, remember to invoke it with Respect and Honor.

Price: 12,00 eur / 40 ml


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One Flame kadila so ročno izdelana. Tina jih pripravlja iz domačih biološko pridelanih zelišč in svetih smol.


Skrivnost receptov je predana pod vodstvom Izvora in njegovih aspektov v stanju Višjega zavedanja. Mešanice, ki nastajajo, vam s svojim vonjem in energijo aktivirajo spomin na vašo Izvorno Zavest, Višje Frekvence in Življenjsko energijo. Služijo kot podpora vašemu delu na poti zavedanja in spominjanja sebe.


Zelišča šepetajo duši. Prisluhnite jim in izbrali boste pravo zase.


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(Poštnina ni všteta v zgoraj navedene cene. Poštnina za 1 kom: 2,70 eur. Pri naročilu večje količine vas pred potrditvijo naročila obvestimo o ceni.)

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