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Dragon Hill  Portal

Izvorna Magija

modrost zemeljskih starešin

Materia Magica
Karunesh - Oasis moon

Izvorni Uroki in Obredi so namenjeni tvojemu delu sidranja duše, modrosti in zavedanja v ta trenutek, v tvoje delovanje in kreiranje življenja, ki ga izkušaš.

Spomni se, tvoja največja moč je tvoja jasna namera, je esenca vsega materialnega v fizični realnosti in seme še nekreiranega. In ne pozabi, tvoja namera s katero kreiraš, je tvoja odgovornost in ostaja zapisana v tvoji energiji.

"When the wise woman awakens from the spell cast by the earthly wizard, her unstopable power of truth cuts through all illusion and she is feard more than the death by those within the wizards dream."

- The Dragon Crone





  • Posodo s toplo vodo

  • Peščico posušenih/svežih jasminovih cvetov ali eterično olje Jasmina

  • Ogledalo

  • Kamen Roževec (Rose quarz)


Najdi miren in udoben prostor, postavi posodo z vodo pred sebe.

Zapri oči, naredi par globokih vdihov in izdihov, se umiri in podaj namero, da se povežeš s svojo Izvorno frekvenco.

Odpri oči in v vodo položi Jasmin in Roževec.

Začuti in prepusti se čarobnemu vonju Jasmina, naj te zapolni in umiri.

Vzemi ogledalo in ga postavi tako, da se vidiš vanj.


Vzemi si čas in se opazuj v ogledalu. Dovoli si izpustiti vse misli o napakah, pomanjkljivostih, ki jih zaznavaš na svojem obrazu in značaju. Odslovi vse kritike, ki ti padejo na pamet. Podaj namero in začuti, kako vse negativne misli, mnenja in občutki odtekajo. Položi roko v vodo in dovoli, da vse steče v posodo.

Predstavljaj si, kako te vonj in energija jasmina zapolni in vse, kar je odteklo, nadomesti s spoštovanjem, razumevanjem, radovednostjo in ljubeznijo.


Ko zaznaš ta čustva jasnosti in podpore, se skozi njihov filter ponovno poglej v ogledalo in jih sprejemaj. Postopoma, kolikor lahko.


Ko zaključiš, si roke in Roževec umij pod tekočo vodo, naj odnese vse, kar si izpustila.


Obred ti bo sprva tuj, a če si ga dovoliš, boš naredila ogromne premike. Lahko ga izvedeš kadarkoli, a najbolj te bo podprla pri tem energija Mlade lune, ki traja 3 dni, dan pred in dan po Prazni luni.



I am being born again Today!

I am leaving all that does not serve me in the past,

for today is all that holds my focus.


I am

FREE of fear,

FREE of blame,

FREE of resentment,

FREE of judgement.

I am tuning my frequency to my Source today!

Today I REMEMBER who I am, who I was and I will be,

Beyond the bonds and borders of this body, this time and space.

I honor, respect and love myself and all who cross my path today.

For today I SEE beyond the veil, I FEEL beyond the veil, I KNOW beyond the veil

and I accept this gift unconditionally!


By my Divine Sovereign right I declare

the blood of my blood, bone of my bone and soul of my soul is mine to own, honor and gowern

with uncompromised HONOR, LOVE and RESPECT!


I am that I am, that I always have been in the moment of here and now!




Anu te Anu, te tama Anu!!!



Ustvari energijski krog zaščite in povezave.

Pripravi mešanico zelišč: Dragon's blood, pravi pelin, evkaliptus, brinove jagode, vrtnica

Tri sveče (rdečo, črno in svečo v barvi tvojega dušnega elementa: voda-modra, zrak-bela, ogenj-rdeča, zemlja-rjava/črna)

namazili z oljem (olivnim ali magičnim zeliščnim oljem po izbiri) in jih posuj z zelišči.

Sveče prižgi in ob treh plamenih, ki predstavljajo Izvorni zakon trojnosti in delujejo na treh nivojih - telo, um in zavest, podaj svojo namero za moč.

Namera je najmočnejša, kadar jo zapišeš sama, lahko si pomagaš z:


By the candle's flames of power,

I grant myself the energy to

bring forth what I intend in my life.

I hear the power.

I taste the power.

I smell the power.

I see the power.

I feel the power.

With earth and air and water and fire,

my strenght increases to realms much higher.

I Invoke the power here tonight,

I've heard the call, it is my right!

I am the power!

And so it is!




May any evil spirit or dark force

in all forms of idiots without remorse

feel pain as they come near to me

and return to where they came to be.

This I ask with all my might,

may each such idiot be Banished from my sight.

Keep my space and me protected

and never by idiots affected!

And so mote it be!




Thinking of the one

that is to blame,

Return the Spell

from whence it came,

upon my Safety, I do hold,

Send the Damage,

Return Threefold!

So mote it be!




Take this curse away from me,

Return it to where it began.

Reveal the caster's identity,

Whether they be woman or man.

Cleansethe Darkness from my aura,

May it be replaced by Light.

Erase all images of horror,

MAy there be blissful dreams at night.

Takes this curse away from me,

Release this doubt from my mind.

Heal the sickness from my body,

Reveal the answers I need to find.

So mote it be!

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