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Transmission - Create a New Life - Source Sun Codes

tor., 24. mar.


Long Distance

Long distance transformative energy transmission (ENG/SLO)

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Transmission - Create a New Life - Source Sun Codes
Transmission - Create a New Life - Source Sun Codes

Ura in lokacija

24. mar. 2020, 18:00 – 19:00

Long Distance

O dogodku


This time Source is sending you greetings from the New Earth through the channel of the Source Sun. Some of your fractals are already there, but at the same time still in this reality, yet these fractals are free of illusion created by the physical body as well as free of the matrix illusion.

Before the next of your fractals leaves this reality, you need to first clear it and most of all accept the fact that it is leaving. By accepting its departure, you release it of yourself, your old self and at the same time accept the new you in the here and now!

You will understand this message in the moment you'll accept that there's nothing to understand, only to accept.

The Codes received through this Transmission will transform the moments of time into timelessness and the restrictions of space into the unlimitedness of eternity.

TRANSMISSION – 24.03.2020, 18:00-19:00 CET

The transmission will be active beyond time and space. Within your earthly perception you should take 30-60 min time to relax or meditate between 18:00- 19:00 CET or anytime during the day.

If you choose to connect to the transmission, write to us:

Energy exchange: 22,00 €


Facebook event link: 

With uncompromised respect,

Karl & Tina



Tokrat vam Izvor preko Izvornega sonca pošilja pozdrave iz Nove Zemlje. Deli vas, ki so že tam, so hkrati tukaj, a so prosti iluzije tega fizičnega telesa in prosti iluzije matrice.

Preden naslednji del vas zapusti to realnost v kateri ste, ga morate očistiti in predvsem sprejeti, da odhaja. S sprejetjem, da odhaja, ga namreč osvobodite sebe, starega sebe ter hkrati sprejemate novega sebe tukaj in sedaj.

Razumeli boste zgoraj napisano, ko boste sprejeli, da ni potrebno razumeti ampak sprejeti.

Tokratne kode bodo spreminjale trenutke časa v večnost in omejitve prostora v brezmejnost večnosti.

TRANSMISIJA – 24.03.2020, od 18:00 do 19:00

Transmisija bo potekala na daljavo, onkraj časa in prostora. V zemeljskem dojemanju si vzemite čas, se sprostite ali meditirajte 30 – 60 min med 18:00 in 19:00 ali kadarkoli tekom dneva.  

Če se odločite priklopiti na transmisijo, pišite na:  Energijska izmenjava: 22,00 € PayPal: Podatke za druge oblike plačila prejmete na mail. 

Facebook link dogodka: 

Z brezkompromisnim spoštovanjem,

Karl & Tina 

Deli ta dogodek

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