sre., 13. nov.
|One Flame
The Human Program - a transformative lecture
Cracking the Code of the matrix (ENG/SLO)
Ura in lokacija
13. nov. 2019, 18:00 – 20:00
One Flame, Ulica Pariške komune 19, Maribor, Slovenia
O dogodku
The Human program, the Matrix, the Earth program, the Virus,…you might have heard about it before, or maybe not. If you have been to any of our events, then you certainly have. We don't talk about it to keep our focus on it, but to shift our focus onto the Sources program, which was meant for you to live in also in this earthly body.
We could call the human program also a male narcissistic program, which is destructive to such an extent, that it has turned into a self-destructive one, keeping its aim at the destruction of the Feminine Source Creative energy, to suffocate the Source program even if it means the destruction of itself.
Why? Because it can and enjoys doing so.
The Human Matrix functions in the same exact way as a typical narcissist in his daily life and it is obvious that the narcissists are the flagships of the matrix. And that is why, those of you – women or men – who had been in a relationship with a narcissist or the narcissistic program, know very well how it can destroy your life and continue to do so even after you've ended the relationship.
That is also why it is so predictable, once you learn to read it, since it is highly self-confident but lacking awareness of self or anyone around – all it sees is the illusion reflecting in a mirror, that the matrix is holding in place.
That is what will be revealed to you in this lecture, along with the activation of a process on those levels, on which you are personally ready to accept the Source perspective of Life.
This will also be the pass to the next transformative lecture, which will, to those, who will be ready, reveal the upgrade of this matrix – the hybrid program, a program that is fast in adapting to the Source program, while aiming for the reinforcement of the human matrix illusion. But, as it had been detected, it is not really doing a good job, not in the male narcissistic energy nor within spirituality.
Join us on Wednesday, 13.11.2019 at 18:00,
either in person in the sacred space of One Flame outside the borders of the matrix, or you can join us from home, in which case you will receive a long distance energy activation and a channeled message in written form.
In both cases you will receive, what is meant for you.
To join, write to:
Energy exchange: 33,00 €
With uncompromised respect,
Karl, Tina & One Flame
EVENT on Facebook:
ČLOVEŠKI PROGRAM - Transformativno predavanje
Človeški program, matrica, zemeljski program, virus itd. slišali ste za njega ali pa ne. Na najinih dogodkih sigurno in to velikokrat. Ne z namenom imeti fokus na njem ampak z namenom imeti fokus na Izvornem programu, ki vam je namenjen živeti tudi v tem zemeljskem telesu.
Človeški program, lahko imenujemo tudi moški narcisoidni program, ki je destruktiven do te mere, da je že samodestruktiven z namenom uničiti žensko Izvorno kreativno energijo, zadušiti Izvoren program, tudi za ceno uničenja sebe.
Zakaj? Ker mu je to v zadoščenje.
Človeška matrica deluje popolnoma enako, kot pa klasičen narcisoid v svojem življenju, saj so narcisoidi paradni konji tega programa. Ravno zato, ženske in tudi moški, ki ste bili kadarkoli v razmerju z osebo z narcisoidno motnjo oz narcisoidnim matričnim programom, veste kako vam uniči življenje in vam ga uničuje tudi po razhodu.
Ravno zato je tako zelo predvidljiv, ko ga znaš prebrati, ker je zelo samozavesten ne zaveda pa se sebe in nikogar okrog sebe – vidi samo iluzijo odseva v ogledalu, ki mu ga narekuje matrica.
Tako, da vam bo v tem transformativnem predavanju pokazano in sprožen proces na nivojih, do koder ste pripravljeni sprejeti ta Izvoren vidik življenja.
Bo pa to tudi vstopnica za naslednje transformativno predavanje, ki vam bo v kolikor boste pripravljeni, pokazalo nadgradnjo matrice – hibridni program, ki se prilagaja Izvornemu programu z namenom ojačati iluzijo človeške matrice, a jim ne uspeva najbolje, niti v moški narcisoidni energiji niti v duhovnosti.
Predavanja se lahko udeležite v živo ali na daljavo, tako kot vedno.
Vidimo v sredo, 13.11.2019 ob 18:00 v prostorih One Flame, Soraje in Queye - Ul. Pariške komune 19, 2000 Maribor.
Rezervacija mesta:
Energijska izmenjava: 33,00 EUR
Z brezkompromisnim spoštovanjem,
Karl, Tina & One Flame