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Energy Transmission - PERFECT BALANCE 222

sob., 22. feb.


One Flame

Long-distance transformational energy transmission of the Great Central Sun Light Codes (ENG/SLO)

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Energy Transmission - PERFECT BALANCE 222
Energy Transmission - PERFECT BALANCE 222

Ura in lokacija

22. feb. 2020, 18:00 – 19:00

One Flame, Ulica Pariške komune 19, Maribor, Slovenia

O dogodku



The number 222 in the earth's reality holds the vibration of master energy incarnated fully in a physical body. It's not only an aspect of balance, it brings the manifestation of perfect balance.

Perfect balance is a state, which is out of reach for most individuals, but on certain dates, on earthly perceived milestones, as this one is, a two-way connection is attainable. It will give you the opportunity to reach a perfect balance between what you'll receive and what you'll give – an experience of a Master Creator.

In the moment the perfect balance between what you're receiving and what you're giving is reached, the frequency of complete abundance is attained. This is the gift offered to you by this transmission.

It will not remain in this form within your energy space, but it will activate the remembrance, the feeling, the energy of this Source “spice”, which you own and use in your Source kitchen.

TRANSMISSION – 22.02.2020, 18:00-19:00 CET The transmission will be active beyond time and space. Within your earthly perception you should take 30-60 min time to relax or meditate between 18:00- 19:00 CET or anytime during the day.

If you choose to connect to the transmission, write to us:

Energy exchange: 22,00 € PayPal:

With uncompromised respect, Karl & Tina

Facebook Event link:




222 je število, ki v splošnem pomenu na zemlji vibrira v energiji mojstra inkarniranega polno v fizično telo. Ne prinaša samo aspektov ravnovesja ampak prinaša popolno ravnovesje.

Popolno ravnovesje je nekaj kar je večini nedosegljivo a ravno takšni datumi, zemeljski mejniki, kot je tale, omogočajo dvosmerno povezavo, omogočajo popolno ravnovesje med tem kar boste prejeli in kar boste dali, omogočajo izkušnjo Izvornega Kreatorja mojstra.

V trenutku, ko bo vzpostavljen popoln balans med tem kar prejemate in dajete, se vzpostavi popolno obilje. To je dar te transmisije.

Ne, ne bo obstalo v tej obliki z vami. Boste pa aktivirali spomin, čut, energijo, na to Izvorno »začimbo« katero uporabljate v svoji Izvorni kuhinji.

TRANSMISIJA – 22.02.2020., od 18:00 do 19:00.

Transmisija bo potekala na daljavo, onkraj časa in prostora. V zemeljskem dojemanju si vzemite čas, se sprostite ali meditirajte 30 – 60 min med 18:00 in 19:00 ali kadarkoli tekom dneva.

Če se odločite priklopiti na transmisijo, pišite na:

Energijska izmenjava: 22,00 €

PayPal: Podatke za druge oblike plačila prejmete na mail.

Z brezkompromisnim spoštovanjem, Karl & Tina  

Link dogodka na Facebooku: 

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