sre., 20. nov.
|One Flame
Anunnaki - a conversation with the co-creator collective
Live transchanneling event (ENG/SLO)
Ura in lokacija
20. nov. 2019, 18:00 – 20:00
One Flame, Ulica Pariške komune 19, Maribor, Slovenia
O dogodku
One of the creator collectives of the Source Earth program have announced to share their information again.
We will be welcoming them with deep respect, accepting their guidelines and perspective on the current situation and the evolution of the human program.
The Anunnaki have been present in physical form within this program and were also one of the co-creators of this physical reality on Earth. They are very well aware of the composition of the human body, the functioning of the physical matter within the earthly laws of physics, how time and space affects it all, how we can affect and transmute the human DNA by the use of proper energy transformative methods and how we can adjust ourselves through these methods to activate and anchor our Source energies into this reality.
At the same time, they know the details of the blueprints of this human destructive narcissistic program, which is constantly expanding into the direction of chaos and destruction.
They are the ones, who see and know what those of us, who are able to perceive them and are connected to them, need, so we can detach ourselves from the matrix on certain levels and shift onto new levels of awareness. By doing so, we are able to start functioning within our own unique program, which we create ourselves, while still in the matrix – creating a program within the program.
If you receive the call, you will know what questions to ask, for it is them, who will give them to you, since they are part of you. The questions as well as the answers are already written.
You can join us in person or send us your question (1 per person) in which case you will receive your answer in a written form.
There will be a small number of seats available for the live event. To ensure yours, write to or send us your question to the same email and you will receive further information.
Energy exchange: 44,00 €
With uncompromised respect,
Karl, Tina & Anunnaki
EVENT on Facebook:
Tokrat so se zopet najavili eni izmed kreatorjev Izvornega programa zemlje, kakor ga razumemo tukaj na zemlji. Z vsem spoštovanjem jih pričakujeva, da se zopet oglasijo na zemlji in podajo smernice in njihov pogled na situacijo in razvoj človeškega programa.
Anunnaki so tisti, ki so dejansko bili prisotni znotraj tega programa in so soustvarjali na določenem nivoju tudi fizično realnost zemlje. Zato zelo dobro vedo, kako je je sestavljeno fizično telo in kako deluje fizična materija znotraj fizikalnih zakonov zemlje, kako vplivata nanjo čas in prostor in kako lahko z primernimi energijskimi transformativnimi metodami vplivamo na transmutacijo človeškega DNK-ja in tako prilagodimo sebe, na tem nivoju za delovanje in prevajanje svojih energij v tej realnosti.
Hkrati so tisti, ki do potankosti poznajo kako je napisan ta človeški samo destruktivni narcisoidni program, ki se sam širi v smeri uničenja in kaosa.
Oni so tisti, ki vidijo in vedo kaj potrebujemo tisti, ki jih zaznavamo in smo povezani z njimi, da se na določenih nivojih izpnemo iz matrice in preidemo na nove nivoje zavedanja in seveda pričnemo delovati znotraj te matrice v svojem unikatnem programu, katerega kreiramo sami.
V kolikor vas pokliče, boste vedeli kakšna so vprašanja, saj vam jih bodo povedali oni, ker so del vas. Vprašanja in odgovori so že napisani.
Transchannelinga se lahko udeležite v živo ali na daljavo, tako kot vedno.
Dogotek bo potekal v prostorih One Flame, Soraje in Queje - Ul. Pariške komune 19, 2000 Maribor.
Rezervacija mesta: Energijska izmenjava: 44,00 EUR
Z brezkompromisnim spoštovanjem, Karl, Tina & Anunnaki