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tor., 15. okt.


One Flame - Soraja & Queya

A Soul Reading with the Star Shamans

Individual sessions are avaliable from 28.09. - 31.10.

Registration is Closed
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A Soul Reading with the Star Shamans
A Soul Reading with the Star Shamans

Ura in lokacija

15. okt. 2019, 09:00 – 31. okt. 2019, 20:00

One Flame - Soraja & Queya, Ulica Pariške komune 19, Maribor, Slovenia

O dogodku


Our energies tap into the circle of the Star Elder Shamans. Through this connection we are offering a unique experience of transformative soul readings for those who will be called by this circle or guided to us.

Through this reading we will present the Source wisdom of the Star Shamans, wisemen, Native American Shamans, Siberian Shamans and other souls, who will choose your soul to give it guidance, activation codes, soul keys and support your transformation and transmutation or that of old, stuck energies within you, which need a new impetus.

You will receive answers to your questions. If you don't have any, even better, for in silence, you will receive even more. You should not get scared of the guidelines to a new fulfilled life, they might present to you. For they know exactly, what they're doing and saying. They see what your soul sees.

KARL – "Since I can remember, I've been working within a wide spectrum of energies, which in such form have never been present in this reality. On our journey to England, I have integrated these completely, so, allow me to tell you from first-hand experience: It is an unconditional Source wisdom, a connection to the stars and to Gaia, a grace and full presence of peace. All you need to know in the moment you register for a reading is to trust, for you will be heard, seen, understood and that is the only way for you to receive your answers and directions."

TINA – "I've been drawing my Source knowing from countless memories of lifetimes, I have been and still continiue receiving, many of which have been of my soul in a role of a shaman, male and female, anchoring the Source wisdom into the earthly reality and supporting others through their energy regeneration, soul memory clearing and connecting them to their Source Self. Integrating this wisdom allowed me to bring it all into this timeline and work with and within it. The experience of our connection to the Star Shamans had been one of a »coming home« and I am honored to translate their information and guidance to your soul."

The Star Shaman Readings are available in person or On-line with Tina and Karl.

To schedule your individual session write to:

Energy exchange: 144,00 EUR Duration: 1-1,5 h


TRANSFORMATIVNI READING Z IZVOROM IN ZVEZDNIMI ŠAMANI (Termini so na voljo med 28.09. in 31.10.)

Ker delujeva v energijah kroga zvezdnih šamanov, sva vam v tem obdobju, ko ste del te skupine ali pa vas enostavno pokliče k nama, na razpolago z posebnim transformativnim dušnim readingom, kjer vam skupaj predajava Izvorne modrosti Zvezdnih šamanov, modrecev, indijanskih vračev, Sibirskih šamanov in ostalih duš, ki si bodo izbrale vašo dušo, da vam predajo usmeritve, aktivacijske kode, dušne ključe, vam pomagajo pri transformaciji ali transmutaciji zastale energije, ki potrebuje zagon.

Predani vam bodo odgovori na vaša vprašanja, če jih nimate še toliko bolje, saj vam bodo v tišini povedali še kaj več. Nikakor pa se ne ustrašite če dobite usmeritev za novo izpolnjeno življenje, saj verjemite, da vedo kaj povedo, saj je njihov pogled enak pogledu vaše duše.

KARL – "Že odkar se zavedam sem deloval znotraj širokega spektra energij, ki še nikoli niso bile v takšni obliki prisotne na zemlji in tokrat sem jih na popotovanju po Angliji popolnoma integriral tako da vam povem iz prve roke oz. prvih ust. Gre za brezpogojno Izvorno modrost, povezavo z Zvezdami in Gajo, za milino in popolno prisotnost miru. Vse kar morate vedeti v trenutku prijave na reading je, da zaupajte kajti slišani boste, videni boste, razumljeni boste in le tako lahko dobite vaše odgovore in usmeritve."

TINA – "Svoje Izvorno vedenje črpam skozi številne spomine preteklih življenj, izmed katerih je moja duša večkrat odigrala vlogo šamana, v moškem in ženskem telesu, sidrala Izvorno znanje v zemeljsko realnost in podpirala ljudi z energijsko regeneracijo, čiščenjem dušnega spomina in povezovanjem z njihovo Izvorno Zavestjo. Omogočeno mi je, da v tej časovnici združujem vsa ta vedenja, z njimi in v njih delujem in jih predajam v tukaj in zdaj."

Reading se izvaja osebno v najinih prostorih ali pa preko skypa.

Za svoj termin pišite na:

Energijska izmenjava; 144,00 EUR Traja: 1-1,5 ure


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